few years ago I experienced profound changes in my life that, at
the time, were considered adverse and were certainly unwanted. From
this encounter I realized that the "gift" of change has
added a deeper and brighter dimension to my life experience. Rather
than fearing change, I have found, it is essential to embrace it.
was a Celtic Goddess whose name means the "Shining One."
According to the myths she was very beautiful and, because of her
beauty, endured many transformations that were initiated as punishments
by women who feared her beauty. Each time she was carried away to
a distant land to begin a new life in a new form. Each time, it
seemed that she would not recover and yet each time, in the face
of impossible odds, she did, never losing her beauty and her shining
are all Etain. We
all endure many transformations in our lives that we view as hardships,
but even so, our inner core remains shining.
that inner core, I believe, is the key to regaining and retaining
a sense of our true self. (What the world calls self-esteem.) Often,
as we enter onto a spiritual path and even as we become more spiritually
mature, we some how have the idea that there will be less challenges
to deal with. Not so. As a dear friend reminded me, when we become