Chalom Architect: Passive Solar Plus
teacher, craftsman and lecturer, Mark Chalom developed "Solar
Design and Analysis" into a breakthrough firm that blends future-linked
building technology with the traditional adobe style architecture
of Northern New Mexico. Designing environmentally appropriate homes
for over twenty-five years, Mark's designs are performance models,
the data
of which are applicable to solar food dehydrators, food producing
green houses, photovoltaic electric systems, engineered wet lands,
domestic hot water systems and gray water systems for landscaping.
With over one
hundred traditional and contemporary homes to his credit he is in
demand by clients who are environmentally astute and are intent
successfully merging the
simple climatic concepts,
first used a thousand years ago by the native peoples of New
into their
homes. Mark's philosophy is that good design comes from the land
and by factoring in vegetation, water courses, wind speed and prevailing
direction and micro weather patterns, a superior design will evolve,
one that is in harmony with the specific site.
Mark's workshops and
seminars have gained the acclaim of professionals as well as novice
passive solar designers and many of his students have gone on to
design and build their own dream homes. Thanks to Mark Chalom, and
proponents of enviornmental appropriateness as well as sensitivity
to historic cultures, a beautiful harmony has been brought onto
the architectural stage to balance a proliferating hard-edge technology.