Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA)

National listing of VLAs in your area, including Canada

© dwij 2002


Beverly Hills Bar Association Barristers Committee for the Arts
300 S. Beverly Dr., #201
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
310 553-6644
eMail: tigerman@bhba.org

California Lawyers for the Arts (Oakland)
1212 Broadway, Suite 834
Oakland, CA
510 444-6351
510 444-6352
eMail/Fax: oakcla@there.net

California Lawyers for the Arts (Sacramento)
926 J St., Suite 811
Sacremento, CA 95814
916 442-6210
916 442-6281
eMail: clasacto@aol.com

California Lawyers for the Arts (San Francisco)
Fort Mason Center, Building C, Rm 255
San Francisco, CA 94123
415 775-7200
415 775-1143
eMail: cla@calawyersforthearts.org

California Lawyers for the Arts (Santa Monica)
1641 18th St. Santa Monica, CA 90404
310 998-5590
310 998-5594
eMail: CLA@aol.com

San Diego Lawyers for the Arts
1205 Prospect St.
La Jolla, CA 92037
619 454-9696


Colorado Lawyers for the Arts
P.O. Box 48148
Denver, Colorado 80204
303 722-7994
eMail: cola@artstozoo.org


Connecticut Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
Connecticut Commission on the Arts
755 Main St.
Hartford, CT 06103
806 566-4770

District of Columbia

Washington Area Lawyers for the ArtsÑserves dc, md & va
815 15th St. NW Ste.900
Washington, DC 20005
202 393-2826
eMail: eeaster@thewala.org


ArtServe, Inc./ Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
1350 East Sunrise, Suite 100
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304
954 462-9191

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts/Western Florida
(A division of Business Volunteers for the Arts)
Bruce Klotchey Esq.
14700 Terminal Blvd., Suite 229
Clearwater, Florida 33762
727 453-7860
eMail: bkotchey@co.pinellas.fl.us


Lisa Kincheloe, Esq.
Executive Director
Georgia Lawyers for the Arts
BCA 5th Floor
675 Ponce de Leon Avenue, NW
Atlanta, GA 30308
404 873-3911
eMail: gla@glarts.org


William E. Rattner, Esq.
Executive Director
Lawyers for the Creative Arts
213 W. Institute Place, Suite 401
Chicago, IL 60610
312 649-4111 Ph
312 944-2195 Fax
eMail: wrattner@law-arts.com


Mid-America Arts Resources
Susan J. Whitfield-Lungren, Esq.
PO Box 363
Lindsborg, KS 67456
913 227-2321


Louisiana Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
225 Baronne Street, Suite 1712
New Orleans, LA 70112
504 523-1465


Maine Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts
43 Pleasant St.
South Portland, ME 04106
207 799-9646
4 Dane Street
Kenneybunk, ME 04043
207 985-1199


Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts of Massachusetts, Inc.
James F. Grace, Esq. Executive Director
P.O. Box 8784
Boston, MA 02114
617 523-1764
617 523-4005 Fax
eMail: VLA@world.std.com


Barbara Kratchman, President



Resources and Counseling for the Arts
308 Prince St., Suite 270
St. Paul, MN 55101
612 292-4381
eMail: Chris@RC4Arts.org


St. Louis Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts
3540 Washington
St. Louis, MO 63103
314 652-2410
eMail: vlaa@stlrac.org


Montana Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
PO Box 8687
Missoula, MT 59807
406 721-1835

New Hampshire

Lawyers for the Arts/New Hampshire
New Hampshire Business Committee for the Art (NHBCA)
One Granite Pl.
Concord, NH 03301
603 224-8300
eMail: arts@nhbca.com

New York

Albany/Schenectady League of Arts Inc.
19 Clinton Ave.
Albany NY 12207
518 449-5380
eMail: artsleague@aol.com

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
1 E. 53rd St., 6th Floor
New York, NY 10022
212 319-2787

North Carolina

North Carolina Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
PO Box 26513
Raleigh, NC 27611
919 990-2575
P.O. Box 25005
Durham, North Carolina 27702


Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts-Cleveland
113 St. Clair Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44114
216 696-3525

Toledo Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts
608 Madison, Ste. 1523
Toledo, OH 43604
419 255-3344


Northwest Lawyers and Artists
Oregon Lawyers for the Arts
Kohel Haver, President
621 SW Morrison Street Suite 1417
Portland, OR 97205
503 295-2787
eMail: Artcop@aol.com


Philadelphia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
251 South 18th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
215 545-3385

Western Pennsylvania Professionals
PO Box 19388
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412 268-8437

Rhode Island

Ocean State Lawyers for the Arts
PO Box 19
Saunderstown, RI 02874
401 789-5686

South Dakota

South Dakota Arts Council (SDAC)
800 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501
605 773-3131


Artists' Legal and Accounting Assistance
PO Box 2577
Austin, TX 78751
512 476-4458
eMail: mpolar@bga.com

Lawyers and Accountants of North Texas for the Arts (LANTA)
P.O. Box 2019
Cedar Hill, TX 75106
972 291-9010

Texas Accountants & Lawyers
2917 Swiss Ave.
Dallas, TX 75204
214 821-1818

Texas Accountants & Lawyers for the Arts
1540 Sul Ross
Houston, TX 77006
713 526-4876
eMail: info@talarts.org

San Antonio and El Paso offices:
Contact TALA at Houston office.


Utah Lawyers for the Arts
PO Box 652
Salt Lake City, UT 84110
801 482-5373
P.O. Box 4530
Salt Lake City, UT 84145


Washington Lawyers for the Arts
1634 11th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
206 328-7053
eMail: director@wa-artlaw.org


Canadian Artists' Representation Ontario (CARO)
Artist's Legal Advice Services (ALAS)
183 Bathurst Street, 1st floor
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2R7
T,Th 5-7:30 pm
416 340-7791
416/360-0781 Fax