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Vast catalogs of recent scientific discoveries are quickly rewriting history and redefining the way we interpret past events. Knowing that the Eighteenth Dynasty Prince Amenhotep lV, Pharaoh Akhenaten and Moses are one and the same person is not so shocking when research identifies its suppression for centuries by those in high places. The infamous, future-linked, battle of Armageddon, which occurred in 1469 BC was in fact won by the Pharaoh Tuthmosis lll, the historic David, whose great exploits were credited to the tribal David (of David and Goliath fame) who appeared five centuries later.

In our lectures we'll explore new discoveries such as who was present with Moses/Akhenaten on Mount Sinai at the transfiguration, the origin of the Ark of the Covenant, the impact of Isis and her son on the stories that shaped western religion, and the origin of the twelve disciples.

The journey ahead promises to be informative and demystifying as our participating scholars share the newest discoveries with you.
The historical center of religion, knowledge, and culture at the dawn of the present era was to be found in the cultural center of Alexandria on the northern coast of Egypt. Here the Serapeum, center of Gnostic Christianity, and the Alexandrian library was located. Attracting the greatest minds of the period the library held the great texts which articulated the belief systems of contemporary and ancient times. As the center of religion of the Roman Empire it was a threat to the budding, and expansionist, Church of Rome who viewed it as an obstacle to the control, dominance and theology of its priestly caste. In AD 391 under Emperor Theodosius I, the Bishop of Alexandria, Theophilus, burned the Serapeum and the Alexandrian library. Following this the religious center of the Empire moved from Egypt to the Vatican in Rome.

This deed ushered in the period known as the Dark Ages and thereafter all persons who did not accept a story of theology as put forth in the Third Council of Carthage in AD 397 were regarded as heretics, enemies of state and church, and punished. For ten centuries after this event only the teachings of the Church of Rome were allowed as sources of knowledge and information.

Our lectures will peruse the stories and theological philosophy suppressed by the Church of Rome and others. This journey is one of redefinition and conciliation: an attunement with a truth that is based on in-depth research, history and scientific fact.